Thursday, December 8, 2011

How To Root The Galaxy Nexus On Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0

How To Root The Galaxy Nexus On Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0

We have confirmation that the Galaxy Nexus, Google’s latest flagship smartphone running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich has been rooted! Unveiled just a few weeks back, Android fans have immediately added it to their wish list, and why not? A brilliant 1280x720p Super AMOLED screen says it all. That goes without saying that the punch this device carried in terms of internal hardware is to be reckoned with. As always, Nexus phones are the pinnacle of performance when it comes to Android devices, and rooting these devices is only fair. In case you’re wondering if or why you should root your device,

All credit goes to Paul over at the MoDaCo forums for providing us with a method that does not require us to get our hands dirty via ADB and possibly mess it up. Paul gives us, Superboot which is “boot.img that, when booted, will root your device the first time you boot (installing su and the superuser APK).”

The superboot image is also insecure, which allows you to use the adb remount command and also gives you full ADB root access. However, keep in mind that rebooting your device will remove all ADB root access. Enough said, let’s get the Galaxy Nexus rooted on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. MobileCruze Tips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.



  1. To begin, make sure your device is unlocked. If not do so by booting your phone into bootloadermode (Hold the Volume up and down keys as you press the power button) and connect it to the computer via USB.

  2. Open up a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the android-sdk-windows\toolsfolder to enter the following commands (Entering the following command will wipe all yourdata on the phone):

    fastboot oem unlock

  3. Once the device is unlocked, go back to bootlaoder mode and extract the Superboot package.

  4. For Windows, (refer to step 5 & 6 for Linux and Mac) open up the folder of the extracted package and run Install-Super-Boot-Windows.bat to start the rooting procedure.

  5. For Linux, open the terminal, navigate to the location of the extracted package and enter the following commands:

    chmod +x


  6. For Mac open the terminal, navigate to the location of the extracted package and enter the following commands:

chmod +x


Done! Your Galaxy Nexus should now be rooted! For updates and queries refer to the forum thread at MoDaCo.

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