Overview: Nature at your fingertips.
Requirements: Android 2.1+
The new Audubon Mushrooms is the most comprehensive and accurate guide to North American mushrooms and other fungi available to date. The app covers over 560 common species of mushrooms, other fungi and slime molds – enough info to please the mycologist in us all. Audubon Mushrooms features a comprehensive search function, stunning photography, current taxonomic information, complete species descriptions and reference material.
• This app is optimized for Android Version 2.1+. Suggested minimum device CPU is 800 mhz. The App’s 560+ MB database installs directly to the SD card with Version 2.2+. With Version 2.1 the app database must be moved manually to the SD card through Settings.
• PLEASE NOTE: This app is not yet compatible for the honeycomb tablet.
• Complete species information for every mushroom with comprehensive, up-to-date authoritative descriptions
• Professional color photographs detailing each species with extraordinary clarity.
• An extensive reference section from the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms brought completely up-to-date including mushroom anatomy, identification, habitats and much more.
App Functions
• Identify with accuracy. Browse by shape, name (first, last, scientific), or by order.
• Search by multiple “advanced search” variables including general shape, size, habitat, cap shape or texture, region, color, stalk shape and more.
• Navigate back and forth between species information, personalized Life Lists and Sightings, search functions and more with ease and clarity.
• Record your field experiences using the Life List and Sighting features. Track a sighting using the device’s GPS, add notes, and save to the App for records of your nature adventures
• Join our online field guide community of nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts
• Read the blogs for insights from our naturalists in the field
Download Audubon Mushrooms v2.5.0 CyberAndroid
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