Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lockscreen Calendar v1.1.6

 Lockscreen Calendar v1.1.6
Works on every lockscreen, that normally displays the next upcoming alarm. You need to press “update” at least once to make the app load your calendar and set the text on the lockscreen. Default Samsung lockscreen and HTC Sense lockscreen aren’t such ones – nothing I can do about it until Samsung & HTC implement this standard feature in their modified lockscreens.
If you want the time of the events to be shown, change the date format in the app’s settings (HH:mm for example).
As the lockscreen layout changed in Android 4.0, it looks quite useless on these devices. I’m trying to fix this…

What’s in this version:
removed Android 4.0 from compatible systems as the lockscreen layout changed here and the app was nearly useless
allowed landscape mode for settings activity on tablets

Sources and More:


Free Download:

pixel Lockscreen Calendar v1.1.6

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